همکاران آموزشی انجمن پزشکان نوزادان ایران(تبلیغات)
با سلام و احترام به اطلاع کلیه اشخاص حقوقی و حقیقی صاحبین مشاغل میرساند انجمن پزشکان نوزادان ایران آماده پذیرش…
Brain Development in Preterm Infants Assessed Using Advanced MRI Techniques
Infants who are born preterm have a high incidence of neurocognitive and neurobehavioral abnormalities, which may be associated with impaired…
Pathogenesis and Prevention of Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is a major neurologic complication of prematurity. Pathogenesis of IVH is attributed to intrinsic fragility of germinal…
Neuroimaging of White Matter Injury, Intraventricular and Cerebellar Hemorrhage
White matter injury and hemorrhage are common findings in extremely preterm infants. Large hemorrhages and extensive cystic lesions are identified…
Chorioamnionitis in the Pathogenesis of Brain Injury in Preterm Infants
Chorioamnionitis (or placental infection) is suspected to be a risk factor for brain injury in premature infants. The suggested association…